
As a Guild, we are aware of the industry needing and wanting to become more sustainable. We strive to ensure that the schedules written by the UKFJG allow for the florists to design in a planet-friendly manner. Where possible we try to ensure that judges from a close proximity to the competition are assigned, whilst also ensuring a fair and balanced assignment placing system. Often Judges will travel by train or car share where possible.

Many of our meetings have moved online meaning less travel around the country and we try to minimise the use of printed material.

Competitors must always follow the schedule given but are likely to be concerned about producing a planet-friendly design. Whilst these points are not judged unless stated in a schedule, a competitor may wish to consider the following:

  • Pollution prevention: Carbon emissions for yourself and your flowers in terms of travel. How will you manage the waste from your design and any chemicals used?
  • Water consumption: Conditioning and waste water volume
  • Waste reduction: Recycling, up cycling, biodegradable and degradable products. UK recycling capabilities for what you have used.
  • Electronics/Tools: Efficiency and end-of-lifecycle consideration. 
  • Communities: People, wages, living conditions, women’s rights, displacement, long term effects of pesticides etc from where your flowers have come from and the companies you buy from.
  • Certifications: Looking for organisations and businesses which provide logos for meeting sustainable standards.
  • Misinformation Danger: Watching out for greenwashing and advertising only certain facts about products. 

Please note: this is not an extensive list for sustainability considerations and you may wish to do further research. We applaud and encourage competitors who take the well-being of our planet seriously. 
For up-to-date factual Sustainability updates within floristry, you may wish to visit